Yesterday I attended the MAYA Conference at the Peabody Museum. It was so amazing to get to meet students from all over North East who had interests so similar to myself! Groups from Philadelphia Zoo, New England Aquarium, The National Aquarium, and CT Science Center all attended from programs very similar to EVO.
The day started off with introductions in the auditorium of Luce Hall. We all got to learn a little bit about everyone else’s programs, and what the MAYA Conference is about. This was my first year attending, but many other students had come years prior.
After introductions, our first workshop began. Over the course of the morning, I attended three different workshops. One was on climate change, while another was about urban resources, and another on engineering. All three covered very different topics that all tied back to the main focus of the conference: environmentalism.
During lunch, EVO students presented their summer research from their labs in a poster session. We had several groups of students come to ours, and everyone had really great feedback!
We ended my day with a tour of a chemical engineering lab that two EVO students worked in, learning about their research. They worked with Yale Postdocs to study chemicals found in the air in and around New Haven.
Unfortunately, I could not attend the second day of the conference, but I was able to meet some amazing people on the day that I did go. I can’t wait for next years conference!